Below are types of validation controls:
1. Required FieldValidator
Ensures user does not left control without data.
Reference: How to: Validate Required Entries for ASP.NET Server Controls.
2. RangeValidator
Check if entered values are in between given upper and lower boundries.
Reference: How to: Validate Against a Range of Values for ASP.NET Server Controls.
3. RegularExpressionValidator
Checks that entered data matches to the given pattern of Regular Expression.
Reference: How to: Validate Against Patterns for ASP.NET Server Controls.
4. CompareValidator
Compares the values entered by user with other control or constant value or
Reference: How to: Validate Against a Specific Value for ASP.NET Server Controls and How to: Validate Against a Data Type for ASP.NET Server Controls.
5. Custom Validator
Check the entered values agains the logic you write yourself for validation.
Reference: How to: Validate with a Custom Function for ASP.NET Server Controls and How to: Validate Against Values in a Database for ASP.NET Server Controls.
1. Required FieldValidator
Ensures user does not left control without data.
Reference: How to: Validate Required Entries for ASP.NET Server Controls.
2. RangeValidator
Check if entered values are in between given upper and lower boundries.
Reference: How to: Validate Against a Range of Values for ASP.NET Server Controls.
3. RegularExpressionValidator
Checks that entered data matches to the given pattern of Regular Expression.
Reference: How to: Validate Against Patterns for ASP.NET Server Controls.
4. CompareValidator
Compares the values entered by user with other control or constant value or
Reference: How to: Validate Against a Specific Value for ASP.NET Server Controls and How to: Validate Against a Data Type for ASP.NET Server Controls.
5. Custom Validator
Check the entered values agains the logic you write yourself for validation.
Reference: How to: Validate with a Custom Function for ASP.NET Server Controls and How to: Validate Against Values in a Database for ASP.NET Server Controls.